Wednesday, August 22, 2007

God's Warriors

Who's gonna get to God first? And what's gotta happen to get there?

I'm not a big fan of CNN's Christiane Amanpour. I've found some of her latest work around our current fiasco skewed. But she's got her chit together on this one if the first leg of her God's Warriors trilogy is any measure of what's yet to come.

I just finished viewing God's Jewish Warriors. Excellent! Tomorrow night, God's Muslim Warriors. Two seperate shows but you can't do a show on one without it being about the other as well. Tomorrow night will be no exception.

Jews are killin Muslims.

Muslims are killin Jews.

Friday night comes God's Christian Warriors. Its gonna to be interesting to see if Amanpour connects the dots and shows her viewers the real reason our ass is deep in the middle east...

Religous War!! We're there because we're part of it. And hell, God's on our side right? Just ask Dubbya. I doubt we'll see any clips of him tellin us the real reason. We're gonna get some pretty twisted fuckers tellin us who's really runnin for pres in 08. And why this country's literally gone to hell. But will we see the real agenda?

Jews, Muslims, Christians. Torah, Koran, Bible.

Ancient imprints playing out their various "ITS GOD'S WILL" interpretions and whatever's required to happen according to their prophesies for their version of their messiah to return, open the gates, and redeem them to the promised land.

The last segment of tonight's show was about the Jewish civil war. I expect we'll see the Muslim version in tomorrow night's show too. Both are about war and peace and the war is the war for God.

Jews are killin Jews.

Muslims are killin Muslims.

Christians killin Christians?

This country's certainly polarized enough to fight over. And the only thing more polarizing and highly charged emotionally than politics is Jesus! We just ain't in the streets killing each other over it.
