Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Three Wisemen

On The Three Wisemen: Montana Freeman, Pogo, and Carl Jung

"I would not blame the instruments of destruction because we are the instruments of destruction and thats that!" ... Montana Freeman, wise elder of our Naitve American brothers and sisters.

ALL of us need to heed the wisdom in our elder, MF's, words who echoes the words of the wisest of the wise, the late, great Pogo when he said...

I have met the enemy and he are I.

But just what does this mean? Perhaps the words of another late, great, wise man may be of help....

When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate... Carl Jung.

There IS a war outside. And it is manifest in many forms. We see it. We discuss and debate on who and what to blame... all forces "out there". The PTB, the Elites, the neo-cons, the Christians, the Muslims, the NWO, Busco, global warming, peak oil, capitalism, socialism, american idol, lucifer and his minions, the masons, the Chinese, the media, the human condition, and so on.

But the real war is on Consciousness itself. These other things "out there", "outside", are the "noise". The "reflection." Yet, those words, "war on consciousness" can be impotent to drive home the point. So let me put it another way....


Yours, mine, the collective. And it is real. It has always been so. BUT, it is coming to a head as never before. The Mother of Everything is seeing to it and the Earth that She IS is moving to clear. She can hold no more of this imbalance and denial.

There is definitly an agenda to take life down. It is a force to recon with and I need to realize this.

How and why am I serving this agenda? I need to realize this too and examine this thouroughly and profoundly for therein lay the understandings that the war between good and evil has been a war of each to OVER-POWER the other and thus, even "good" has been fooling itself.

There IS a perfection to the Universe. It could also be called True Understanding and Balance. When there is balance the "things" of the universe are "free" to be in their right places. There is no threat and thus no need for one to over-power another. That which is good. Which is within love and life. That which is evil. Which is outside love and life. All these "things" in their right place for there is a place for them that feels good and right for all in this Universe. And they would be happy there.

When there is imbalance we can find the tools within it to seek and find balance. This is also woven into the fabric of the perfection of the universe.

Is the concept just something for the dreamers who dream still of the original dream? The whole idea smacks of the utopian eh? Yet, this is the lesson. It is this I seek.