Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Insanity Runs Amuk

Now here's some scary chit!! This is kinda sorta about Britney Spears and she's someone I wouldn't waste my time writing about. But its actually more about Dr Phil. He's the guru millions tune in to on a dialy basis to hang their sanity on. And people's sanity is worth writing about.

Here's the chain of events. Spears, after a judge takes her kids away from her, ends up on a stretcher on full watch on a psyc ward. Dr Phil shows up to do a show. The hospital lets him in. Everybody goes nutzo and the Doktar defends hisself by saying the family asked for his help. And apparently in the format of doing a show around the whole thing.

Now I ask you, fucked up as Spears is, whats the chance she came from a family system just as fucked up? Whats really scary here is that the Dok didn't consider this. Here's a guy who advises millions on a daily basis and is held in high regard as being, not only sane but, enlightened enough to advise and guide others in that general direction. And this guy goes to do a show on Spears? What the fuck besides a twisted up mind fuck would do a thing like that?

Okay, give the Dok a break you say? The network and the show's producers, seeing this as an opportunity to blow the lid off late afternoon ratings and their advertizing revenues reacting accordingly, pressured the good Dok into it.


But good Docs draw the line when sanity is at stake.

Frankly, the sanity of everybody involved is in question. Spears for sure. Her family. The hospital. The network and the show. The Dok. The millions of viewers who watch this fuck on a daily basis. Public teevee who has him on all the time during their fund drives. Anybody who suppports him. And, argueably, even me for writing about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Phil is a self-serving fuck. To exploit her case or anybody's case for entertainment is doing a major disservice to anyone in or considering treatment. I'd like to see him in a straight-jacket bouncing around in a rubber room just for laughs. The prick.

Thursday, January 10, 2008 3:16:00 AM  

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